tirsdag 24. februar 2009


Å, jeg er så lykkelig. Jeg fikk en e-post i dag som sa at jeg hadde vunnet 500 000 pund i et lotteri jeg ikke engang visste jeg hadde meldt meg på. Fyren i e-posten nevnte flere kjente selskaper, som Dell og Toshiba, og han jobber i Microsoft, så det må jo være sant - selv om han bruker en hotmail-adresse. Lotteriet er faktisk sponset av Selveste Bill Gates, og han har jo definitivt råd til å gi bort penger.

Her er svaret jeg sendte til den godeste Steve Clerk.

Dear, dear Steve

I am SO happy to have won the lottery - and here I didn't even know that I had been entered in any sweepstakes.

My information is as follows:
1. Full names: First names: Tjukkebolla Last name: Lettlurt
2. Residential address: Lurelia 6, 1337 Dusteland, Norway
3. Phone number: 0047 22 80 91 30
4. Fax number: I don't have a fax, but my mobile number is 22809540
5. Occupation: Unemployed
6. Sex: Not often enough
7. Age: 44 1/2
8. Nationality: Somali
9. Present Country: Norway/Somalia
10.Next of kin name/address: I have none, my legal guardian just died :(

As regards mode of remittance, I select option 1, Cash Pick-Up in London.

I do have a couple of questions, though. Since I am unemployed, I don't have too much cash right now. Would it be possible for you to release parts of the money so that I can afford to come get it, and see London at the same time? I will give you 10% if you can make this happen. Second, since this is a cash pick-up, will I have to bring a suitcase to carry the money in? Are your offices in a safe, good neighborhood?

I look forward to hearing from you, Mr. Clerk, and thank you for making this such a wonderful day. Finally, I can get out of this economic slump I have found myself in these past months. Seriously, I can't even afford to pay rent anymore. I had to start working as a prostitute just to make the wheels go around.

Well, hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards
Tjukkebolla Lettlurt

4 kommentarer:

Anita sa...

Haha, nå lo jeg faktisk høyt for meg selv, og det skjer ikke ofte! Sendte du virkelig mailen? Du er deg selv lik, and that's why I love you :)

Silje sa...

Jeg sendte, jeg, men har dessverre ikke fått noe svar. Lurer på hvorfor. Jeg trenger jo virkelig de pengene.

Anita sa...

Bare ta de gule pillene og tell til 1000, så skal du se pengene dukker opp ;)

Anonym sa...

Steike bra!
Håper du får svar snart........ =)